30 augustus 2013

Day 242 - New trend: Bookface yourself

You like books?
You like book covers?

May be you should join the 'bookface' trend.

How it works? Simple.
1 - Pick a bookcover with a face on it.
2 - Hold it in front of your face
3 - Take a photo.

Your bookface is ready and can be send to getbookfaced@gmail.com

Here are some examples (source: http://boekface.wordpress.com)

29 augustus 2013

Day 241 - Free font for graphic designers, great for logo's and displays

Today I started to work on a new logo design.

I made sketches, experimented with different colors and searched for a nice typeface.
On the internet I found the font you see below. Not what I needed right now, but still very nice. So I decided to download it. For free, for personal and commercial use (www.dafont.com).


28 augustus 2013

Day 240 - I have a dream... do you have one?

50 years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King jr. spoke of his dream of racial equality.

A great moment, but also a moment to reflect on the actual status of this dream. Just a bare majority of the Americans believe that this dream has been realized. All over the world there are still people who are discriminated because of their sexe, color, religion, ...

Let's pick up MLK's dream and let us all try to make it happen!

Via www.wallpaperswide.com

27 augustus 2013

Day 239 - Minimal graphic design: L'eau d'issey, perfume bottle

It 's so much fun to design minimal illustrations, so I decided to draw another one today.
Not that I had much time - I have lot's of work to do :-))

Today I designed this perfume bottle for you. Do you recognize it?
It's called  l'eau d'issey. I like the botlle a lot: simple and stylish.

L'eau d'issey - design: 2VORM, all rights reserved

26 augustus 2013

Day 238 - Minimal graphic design

Back home after a wonderful summer holiday.

Today I worked on a new brochure and a new flyer.
And I found some time to design a new one-liner :-)

As the fruit in my garden is almost ready to be eaten,
I decided to draw a pear. Here it is, enjoy!

Pear - design by 2VORM, all rights reserved

25 augustus 2013

Day 237 - Creative and funny design: notebook beard

Today I searched for a note-sketchbook on the internet. And I found the one you see below.
Funny, crazy and very creative. The notebook beard: a lined pocket notebook that gives everybody access to a nice, thick beard.

I love it. The notebook is sold by coolmaterial.

24 augustus 2013

Day 236 - Graphic design: new poster design

Back home. My trip to the USA was fantastic. But now it's time to go bac to work.

Today I read my mail. The posters for a street theatre festival have arrived. I think they look great. Here are some photo's to give you an impression.

23 augustus 2013

Day 235 - Amazing photograpgy project: water drop drawings

Have you ever heared of water drop dawings?

Shalini Dhameja has a passion for photography and for water.
Recently, she worked on an amazing and creative project:
she draws with water drops and when she has finished a drawing she makes beautiful photo's of it.

Below two of her creations. For more work, visit her website

Day 234 - Photography - natural patterns: aerial photos from Miami, Florida

Yesterday I flew back home... I had a wonderful time in the States.
New Yorks was really awesome. And I loved the nature of Florida.

On my trip home, I took some photos out of the plane. This is Miami.
Nice, isn't it?

21 augustus 2013

Day 233 - Miami Beach, art deco

From Key West, I travelled to Miami Beach. 

Miami has a beautiful art deco district. I loved the façades of the buildings (mostly hotels) and the colors in which theu are painted. 

Here are two exemples.

Photo's by 2vorm, all rights reserved. 

20 augustus 2013

Day 232 - Graphic design with a Carribean touch (2)

At Key West, graphic design has a Carribean touch. I really loved the displays: sometimes retro, sometimes Carribean.

I made a lot of photo's with my Nikon. Unfortunately, I have no computer at the moment. So I can only show you some photo's I made with my IPhone... 

Hope you like them ;-)

Photo's by 2vorm, all rights reserved


19 augustus 2013

Day 231 - Graphic design with a Carribean touch: Key West

From New York I travelled to thw most southern place of the USA: Key West.

Key West is a great place to be: ocean, beaches, boats, wooden houses and last but not least, the Carribean atmosphere.

Here are a few photo's to show you what it is like. 

18 augustus 2013

Day 230 - Chelsea Market, creative hotspot (3)

Chelsea Market is located in the Meatpacking district. In this district you find a lot of industrial buildings. 

One of them, a former meat factory, has been transformed into a food and design market: Chelsea Market. 

These photo's give you an impression of the market.

Photo's by 2vorm, all rights reserved

17 augustus 2013

Day 229 - Chelsea Marrket, creative hotspot NYC (2)

Yesterday, I told you about Chelsea Matket, abd about Eleni's wonderful cookie store.

Here are two more photo's of the amazing cookies they sell.


Photo's by 2VORM, all rights reserved


16 augustus 2013

Day 228 - Chelsea, creative hotspot NYC

 I loved NYC: Central Park, Soho, and in particular Chelsea.

Chelsea is one of the creative hotspots of NY. It has the highline, lots of cafes, reataurants, shops and - yes! - Chelsea Market.

Chelsea Market is awsone. Have you ever been to Eleni's? This is one of the best cookie shops i have ever seen!

Photo's: by 2vorm, all rights reserved

15 augustus 2013

Day 227 - Strijp S - Piet Hein Eek restaurant

Yesterday I shared some photo's of the entrance of the studio-shop-gallery with you.

Today, I'll show you some photo's of the cafe-restaurant. I love the way it is decorated, in particularly the beautiful lamps. What do you think of it?

If you are in the neighborhood, visit Strijp S. It's worth it!

PHE restaurant - photo by 2VORM, all rights reserved

PHE restaurant - photo by 2VORM, all rights reserved

PHE restaurant - photo by 2VORM, all rights reserved
PHE restaurant - photo by 2VORM, all rights reserved

Day 227 - Trip to New York City

I just returned from a trip to NYC. 

It was great. Of course I visited Ground Zero. Anorher monument that I visited, was the one at Staten Island. I found it very impressive, with all the names and profiles of the victims.

14 augustus 2013

Day 226 - Strijp S: Piet Hein Eek Studio

As I told you yesterday, I visited the studio of Piet Hein Eek.

The studio is housed in a former industrial building. In this building Piet Hein Eeek has also his 'atelier', a gallery, shop and cafe-restaurant.

The photo's below give you an impression of the entrance of the studio and shop.

Piet Hein Eek - photo by 2VORM, all rights reserved

Piet Hein Eek - photo by 2VORM, all rights reserved

Piet Hein Eek - photo by 2VORM, all rights reserved

13 augustus 2013

Day 225 - Wonder Wall, inspiration at Piet Hein Eek Studio (2)

As I told a while ago, I have been at the Piet Hein Eek Studio in Eindhoven.

The studio is housed in an industrial building at Strijp S. In this studio, Piet Hein Eek shows his furniture designs. Varying from tables, chairs, beds to lamps and cupboards.

In his studio, there is also room for other designers. I already showed you an overview of the painted Wonder Wall by Jan van der Ploeg. Today I will show you some photo's of details of this wall.

Wonder Wall - photo by 2VORM, all rights reserved

Wonder Wall - photo by 2VORM, all rights reserved

Wonder Wall - photo by 2VORM, all rights reserved

12 augustus 2013

Day 224 - Handwritten fonts for graphic designers

When you are looking for a handwritten font, it isn't always easy to find a nice one...

Today, I found on the website of Yellow Bliss Road these nice fonts.
And I like to share them with you.

Source: Yellow Bliss Road

11 augustus 2013

Day 223 - Ministeck is back: Stickm In sunglasses and more

In a Dutch concept store I saw 'Stickem In', a dseign label that is inspired by retro toy brand Ministeck.

The idea is that you can pimp Stickem In products with the pixel plugs, allowing you to create you own design. The first product they sell are sunglasses. Below you see some examples. In the future they will also sell other products.

Stickem In is available at HUTSPOT Amsterdam.


10 augustus 2013

Day 222 - Interior design: ice cream light

A few days ago, I told you about the teapot light.

As I love funny lights, I browsed the internet. And look what I found: an ice cream light. For sale as a hanging / ceiling light and as bed light.

Great, isn't it?

9 augustus 2013

Day 221 - Minimal graphic design: new one-liner, bonbonniere

Today I designed a new online for you: a bonbonniere.

In a bonbonniere you usually put chocolate (bonbons), or in my case macaroons. I love macaroons. Not only for their taste, but also because of their beautiful and tender colors. That's why I like to visit Laduree in Paris or London. Yammie!

Bonbonniere - design by 2VORM

8 augustus 2013

Day 220 - Fascinating and creative installation: Melting Men

Nele Azevedo, a Brazilian artist, creates amazing art installations.

The most famous one is the 'Melting Men'. An installation that consists of hundreds of ice sculptures.
Since 2005, Azevedo has been setting up her Melting Men in public spaces in cities all over the world.
Last year, she installed one et the Spui in Amsterdam.

For more information and photo's, visit her website.

Melting Men - by Nele Azevedo
Melting Men - by Nele Azevedo